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Sexual Harassment and Assault

Students have the right to be safe on campus. 91国产自拍seeks to create a safe environment for students, to reduce and eliminate sexual harassment and sexual assault, and to support those who experience it.

91国产自拍does not tolerate sexual harassment or sexual assault. Students who report sexual violence or misconduct should be treated with a compassionate, fair and timely response. If you do experience sexual harassment or sexual assault as a 91国产自拍student, we would like to know about it. You can report any incidences by email to citsafercommunity@cit.edu.au, and this can be done confidentially.

  • Support at CIT
    • 91国产自拍Counselling provides a free and confidential service to students. The office is open during business hours: phone 6207 3290 or email citcounselling@cit.edu.au for an appointment. More details are available on the 91国产自拍Counselling webpage.

      The range of options open to you will be explained, including:

      - counselling support for what you have experienced
      - support for study arrangements, including possible special consideration for assessments if needed.
      - support to access services external to 91国产自拍(see below) or to notifying Police if this is relevant and you wish to do so.
      - assistance to make an informal or formal complaint to 91国产自拍if you wish. If you wish the matter to remain confidential, it will be, with only non-identifying information passed on to the 91国产自拍Safer Community area. No other parties, including the Police, will be informed without your consent, unless there is an immediate risk of harm to a person. You will receive communication about the progress of the complaint in a timely manner. More details are available in the following:

      - Complaints Students and Community Members Policy
      - Complaints Students and Community Members Procedures
      - Student Conduct Policy
      - Bullying and Harassment Prevention Policy
      - Bullying and Harassment Prevention Procedures
  • Support external to CIT
    • - Canberra Rape Crisis Centre hotline is available 7am to 11pm, 7 days per week on 6247 2525. They support people who have been sexually assaulted, whether recently or in the past.
      - Lifeline 24 hours crisis phone support 13 11 14
      - 1800 RESPECT 24 hour phone line, support for sexual, family or domestic violence issues 1800 737 732
      - ACT Mental Health Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) on 1800 629 354.
  • Security contact numbers
    • In an Emergency, Phone 000 for Police assistance

      For non-emergency Police attendance, phone 131 444

      Campus Managers can be contacted to report safety issues or concerns, or to arrange a night escort to cars or on-campus accommodation.

      91国产自拍Bruce Campus Manager 6207 4000
      91国产自拍Reid Campus Manager 6207 3540
      91国产自拍Fyshwick Campus Manager 6205 3148
      91国产自拍Fyshwick Campus Manager 6205 3148
      91国产自拍Tuggeranong, call Reid: 6207 3540
      91国产自拍Gungahlin, call Bruce: 6207 4000
      After hours security service: 136 000
  • What is sexual harassment?
    • Sexual harassment is an unwelcome and uninvited sexual advance, request for sexual favours or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It includes:

      - Unwelcome hugging, touching, kissing or other inappropriate physical contact
      - Inappropriate staring or leering
      - Sexual gestures, indecent exposure, or pictures
      - Sexually suggestive comments that make you feel offended
      - Repeated or inappropriate invitations to go out on dates
      - Intrusive questions about your personal life or physical appearance which make you feel offended
      - Requests or pressure to have sex

      Sexual harassment is not tolerated at 91国产自拍and those affected by it are encouraged to seek support and/or report the issue. See Reporting an incident of sexual assault or harassment.
  • What is sexual assault?
    • Sexual assault is unacceptable physical behaviours where a person is forced or tricked into sexual acts against their will or without their consent, which are criminal offences. It may be known as rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse or indecent assault.

      Sexual assault is not tolerated at CIT. Those affected by it are encouraged to seek support and/or report the incident to 91国产自拍Counselling or other services listed in the section Reporting an incident of sexual assault or harassment.
  • Reporting an incident of sexual assault or harassment
    • Life-threatening incidents should be reported to ACT Police on 000.

      Non-urgent reports of assault, harassment or threatening behaviour, including sexual assault and sexual harassment, can be made to:

      - Sexual assault and indecent assault concerns can be reported directly to the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre on 6247 2525, 7am to 11pm. After hours, call the Police or Canberra Hospital on 6244 2222.
      - ACT Police on 131 444 if not an emergency, or 000 if there is an immediate risk of harm to someone. You can report to police without informing 91国产自拍if you wish.
      - 91国产自拍Counsellors on 6207 3290.
      - 91国产自拍Safer Community email address: citsafercommunity@cit.edu.au. Please note, do not use this if an immediate response is required.
      - 91国产自拍Student Concerns online form: /current/student_concernsPlease note, do not use this if an urgent response is required.
      - 91国产自拍Campus Managers on 6207 4000 (Bruce or Gungahlin) or 6207 3540 (Reid, Woden or Tuggeranong ) or (after hours) Security on 136 000 or the Student Services desk at 91国产自拍Tuggeranong or 91国产自拍Gungahlin.
  • If I am being sexually harassed at CIT, what are my options?
    • 91国产自拍takes reports of sexual harassment seriously. Here are some options available to you:

      1. Talk to a 91国产自拍Counsellor. You can do this confidentially, no-one else will know if you don't want it to go further. They can explain options to you and support you to choose what you want to do. They can also help you with stress and any other effects of the issue. Phone 6207 3290 or email citcounselling@cit.edu.au to make an appointment.
      2. Talk to your teacher or Head of Department. They may be able to help.
      3. Make a written complaint about the problem. This will be investigated by CIT: you will be offered support, and informed of the outcome. 91国产自拍Complaints Form
      4. If possible, do not have contact with the harasser or if you must, do so only in the company of other people and keep your distance from them where this is possible. If harassment is occurring online, block their access to your account. In all cases, consider discussing the issue with your teacher or a 91国产自拍counsellor.
  • What do I do if someone tells me they have been sexually harassed at CIT?
    • 1. Listen and reassure you will help them to find support.
      2. Encourage them to contact 91国产自拍Counselling, who will assist them to explore the options open to them. Offering to go along with them to the Student Support office or make the phone call can be helpful if they are not confident to do so alone. The issue can remain confidential if they want. Phone 6207 3290 or email citcounselling@cit.edu.au
      3. If they don't want to talk to a counsellor, see if they will agree to talk to their teacher or Head of Department and help them to arrange that.
      4. They also have the option of sending an email to the 91国产自拍Safer Community email address: citsafercommunity@cit.edu.au
      5. They also have the option of writing a written complaint - see 91国产自拍Complaints form (LINK)
      6. If they don't want any of these options, let them know that if they change their mind, you will help them to connect with support services.
      7. Give them a printed list of 91国产自拍support services for sexual harassment (PDF 175Kb) and sexual assault (PDF 190Kb), even if they are saying they do not want to contact a service at the moment.
      8. Encourage them to not be alone with the harasser, to only see them in the company of other people and keep a distance from them if possible, and to seek help from their teacher or another 91国产自拍staff member.
  • If I have been sexually assaulted, what are my options?
    • 91国产自拍takes reports of sexual assault seriously. Here are some options available to you:

      - Talk to a 91国产自拍Counsellor. You can do this confidentially, no-one else will know if you don't want it to go further. They can explain options to you and support you to choose what you want to do. They can also help you with stress and any other effects of the issue. They can also help you to access other support services such as Canberra Rape Crisis Centre, if you wish to. Phone 6207 3290 or email citcounselling@cit.edu.au to make an appointment.
      - Sexual assault and indecent assault concerns can be reported directly to the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre on 6247 2525, 7am to 10.30pm. After hours, call the Police on 131 444 or Canberra Hospital on 6244 2222.
      - ACT Police on 131 444 if not an emergency, or 000 if there is an immediate risk of harm to someone. You can report to police without informing 91国产自拍if you wish.
      - Talk to a 91国产自拍staff member you know, or a CITSA support officer. They can offer support and advice and help you to connect to support services.
      - Watch
  • What do I do if someone tells me they have been sexually assaulted?
    • 1. Listen and reassure you will help them to find support. Let them know the options and support their choices.
      2. Encourage them to contact 91国产自拍Counselling, who will assist them to explore the options open to them. Offering to go along with them to the Student Support office or make the phone call can be helpful if they are not confident to do so alone. The issue can remain confidential if they want. Phone 6207 3290 or email citcounselling@cit.edu.au
      3. If they don't want to talk to a counsellor, see if they will agree to talk to the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre (CRCC), as this is the specialist service in the ACT which supports people who have been sexually assaulted. Phone CRCC on 6247 2525 (7am to 10:30pm, 7 days). After hours, there is the option of phoning ACT Police on 13 1444.
      4. If the assault has occurred at CIT, there is also the option of sending an email to the 91国产自拍Safer Community email address: citsafercommunity@cit.edu.au, or writing a written complaint - see 91国产自拍Complaints Form
      5. If they don't want any of these options, let them know that if they change their mind, you will help them to connect with support services.
      6. Give them a printed list of 91国产自拍support services for sexual harassment (PDF 175Kb) and sexual assault (PDF 190Kb), even if they are saying they do not want to contact a service at the moment.
      7. Encourage them to not be alone with the perpetrator, to keep a distance from them if possible, and to seek help from their teacher or another 91国产自拍staff member.
  • What can I do if I witness a student being sexually harassed or assaulted?
    • 1. Intervene and tell the offender to stop it.
      2. Tell them it is against the rules of 91国产自拍and you will report them if they don't stop it.
      3. Distract the offender by attracting attention.
      4. Put yourself between the offender and the student (if safe to do so) and start a conversation with the student as if you know them (even if you don't).
      5. Encourage the student to move away from the situation then offer them help to access support, including reporting the incident if they want to.
      6. Write up what you saw and give it to the student who was harassed or assaulted, keeping your own copy in case it is needed later.
      7. Get support for yourself if you feel upset about the incident, e.g. from a 91国产自拍Counsellor.
  • Resources